Sheila and Moby
play in two acts
commissioned and originally produced by Flying V Theatre
When Sheila, a successful young businesswoman, returns to her hometown for the weekend, she is immediately swept up in a tale of intrigue, suspicion, and adventure. A young neighborhood girl has come seeking help tracking down her missing best friend, a recently kidnapped stuffed Koala. Reluctantly taking the case, Sheila enlists the help of her own abandoned childhood companion – an Iberian Lynx named Moby – for one last best buddy adventure. An exploration into the power of imagination, the changing relationships between parents and children, and what it means and possibly costs to grow up.
“The genius of Flynn's play is that we're not just following the antics of Sheila, Moby, and her 6-year-old friend across the street, we're contemplating the passage of time and changes of persona from multiple angles.”
— Broadway World
“…clever dialogue, snappy action, tension, laughter, drama, make-believe and a big huggable armful of warm fuzzies.”
— DC Metro Theater Arts
“Patrick Flynn’s script is consistently funny, providing clever dialogue with tongue planted firmly in cheek…”
— DC Theatre Scene